STEM clubs resources

This collection contains a vast array of STEM-related activity resources that are suitable for use in a STEM Club setting. The resources included in this collection contain long, short and one-off activities.

  • One-off activities are completed in one session. They are highly engaging and can have a real wow factor.
  • Short projects are any activity that takes club members two to three sessions to complete. Many of the shorter projects will include demonstrations or experiments that can be used as one-off activities.
  • Long projects are activities that take half a term or more to complete and might be considered a long project. Completing a long project can be very rewarding, especially if there is an award or a prize involved.



Showing 353 result(s)

Bronze Award: Future Travel

 These materials look at three possible projects that relate to sustainable travel.

* Communications project - students gather information and explain about ‘green’ transport policies, reducing and offsetting carbon footprints.

* Practical project - students investigate how to compare carbon dioxide...

Bronze Award: Squeaky Clean

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to household cleaning products:

* Communications project - students gather information about cleaning products, compare them and explain how they are suitable for different cleaning problems.

* Practical project - students investigate how...

Bubble Fun

This activity contains the Science Museum’s secret bubble recipe and ideas about how to create brilliant bubble-blowers. There’s also a lot to find out about the science of mixtures and materials and the properties of water.

Learning outcomes:

  • Investigate how mixing water changes the way it...

Build an aphid isolation tower

In this resource students use a plastic bottle to isolate a plant and see the effects of an aphid infestation.
