STEM clubs resources

This collection contains a vast array of STEM-related activity resources that are suitable for use in a STEM Club setting. The resources included in this collection contain long, short and one-off activities.

  • One-off activities are completed in one session. They are highly engaging and can have a real wow factor.
  • Short projects are any activity that takes club members two to three sessions to complete. Many of the shorter projects will include demonstrations or experiments that can be used as one-off activities.
  • Long projects are activities that take half a term or more to complete and might be considered a long project. Completing a long project can be very rewarding, especially if there is an award or a prize involved.



Showing 360 result(s)

Big Schools' Birdwatch Activities

These activities, aimed at primary children, link to aspects of design and technology and literacy. Children follow recipes to make a variety of food for birds including pine cone lardy seed feeders, suet nut log and edible pictures.

This activity is part of the...

Big Schools' Birdwatch Creative Activities

Aimed at primary, this resource provides activities which support aspects of literacy, art and D&T in the context of the identification of birds. Children follow instructions to colour, cut and fold templates to make ‘bird snappers’ for thirteen different birds.

The resource also includes a blank poster...

Big Schools' Birdwatch Games

This resource, suitable for primary learners, contains a colouring sheet to aid learning about the parts of a bird and two games which support the identification of birds. The ‘top trumps’ style game helps with the identification of common birds, looking at various characteristics and facts about the birds. A...

Big Schools' Birdwatch Stories

Aimed at Early Years and primary level, this resource contains three bright and colourful story books which look at identification of birds and the different types of food eaten by different birds.

The stories, ‘Bouncy Blackbird’, ‘Cheeky Sparrow’ and 'Lucky Duck' could provide a starting point for an...
