STEM clubs resources

This collection contains a vast array of STEM-related activity resources that are suitable for use in a STEM Club setting. The resources included in this collection contain long, short and one-off activities.

  • One-off activities are completed in one session. They are highly engaging and can have a real wow factor.
  • Short projects are any activity that takes club members two to three sessions to complete. Many of the shorter projects will include demonstrations or experiments that can be used as one-off activities.
  • Long projects are activities that take half a term or more to complete and might be considered a long project. Completing a long project can be very rewarding, especially if there is an award or a prize involved.



Showing 360 result(s)

Athlete or Machine?

The Royal Academy of Engineering has developed a teaching and learning resource for Key Stage Three that combines design, technology, mathematics and science activities. The resource allows students to investigate the question: Athlete or machine? Which is more important in the bob skeleton event? To answer the...

Attracting the Customer

This set of Cre8ate maths activities explores three ways in which retailers and product manufacturers may seek to persuade customers to either buy more of their product or encourage customer loyalty. In ‘Prize draw’ students explore sequences and series. ‘Offers’ involves money calculations and comparison of prices...

Average Limits

In this Nuffield investigation students explore limiting values of an iterative process, using arithmetic, algebra or spreadsheets. Students can move from identifying patterns to forming, verifying and proving conjectures.


Balloon rocket

A balloon provides a simple example of how a rocket engine works. The air trapped inside the balloon pushes out the open end, causing the balloon to move forward. The force of the air escaping is the “action”; the movement of the balloon forward is the “reaction” predicted by Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
