STEM clubs resources

This collection contains a vast array of STEM-related activity resources that are suitable for use in a STEM Club setting. The resources included in this collection contain long, short and one-off activities.

  • One-off activities are completed in one session. They are highly engaging and can have a real wow factor.
  • Short projects are any activity that takes club members two to three sessions to complete. Many of the shorter projects will include demonstrations or experiments that can be used as one-off activities.
  • Long projects are activities that take half a term or more to complete and might be considered a long project. Completing a long project can be very rewarding, especially if there is an award or a prize involved.



Showing 353 result(s)

Algebra on the Planet Zog!

Produced by the Maths Magic project, Algebra on the Planet Zog! provides teacher inspiration for ‘clock’ or modulo arithmetic. Describing addition modulo six, students are asked to complete an addition table. There then follows a number of rich, searching questions asking students to extend their knowledge...

Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion is a set of four interactive lessons about a full-scale alien attack that coincides with a class visit to Manford City. To set the scene and support the lessons, live television news bulletins, radio broadcasts and telephone messages help to develop the story line. The invasion leads to a series of...

Assessment Guide

The Bowland Maths assessment guide details the role of the assessment tasks in the classroom in helping students become aware of the key processes in mathematics and their importance in problem solving, helping students to take greater responsibility for their own learning and encouraging students to assess and...


This activity requires students to use computer software to try to save a space borne tourist attraction, AstroZoo, which has various exotic space creatures, but has fallen on hard times. The zoo was once a great success, but bad management has seen oxygen reserves exhausted, creature enclosures overpopulated,...
