SMP 11-16 (School Mathematics Project)

SMP 11-16 is a mathematics course for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us. These are the worksheets for Books A7, A8 and A9 in the Amber series. The Amber series is for students who find the Green series too difficult, although it is a course for low attainers in itself and can be used independently of other SMP materials.



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This worksheet pack is a supplementary resource for the Foundation Tier schools edition in the SMP GCSE Mathematics Revision series, which covers the material for all GCSE syllabuses at Foundation tier. The 30 photocopiable worksheets contain questions, mostly from past exam papers, which can be completed by...

SMP 11-16 is a mathematics resource for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us. The course material falls into two parts. Part 1, covering the first two years, consists mainly, but not exclusively, of booklets arranged into strands, which enable pupils to...
