SMP 11-16 (School Mathematics Project)

SMP 11-16 is a mathematics course for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us. These are the worksheets for Books A7, A8 and A9 in the Amber series. The Amber series is for students who find the Green series too difficult, although it is a course for low attainers in itself and can be used independently of other SMP materials.



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SMP 11-16 is a mathematics course for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us....

SMP 11-16 is a mathematics course for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us....

SMP 11-16 is a mathematics course for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us....

SMP 11-16 is a mathematics course for secondary schools which emphasises the relationship between mathematics and the world around us....
