A collection of case studies by teachers or schools who have carried out their own research, or used evidence from academic research, to improve practice.

This is part of the Teachers as researchers collection which has examples of teachers engaging with research in the following areas:

  • Classroom management/organisation

  • Careers

  • Curriculum models

  • CPD, retention and career progression

  • Inquiry-based learning.

These resources are part of the larger collection: Educational research in STEM subjects



Showing 25 result(s)

Improving motivation and attainment

Published in 2009 by LSIS, this research project was carried out by Amersham and Wycombe College. The project looked to see how science class cover by non-science subject teachers could be improved. Students satisfaction was assessed at the start of the project and again after trialling the cover material. This...

Improving results by improving students' use of study leave

Published in 2009 by LSIS, this report describes research by Paston College. The project was to develop materials to support effective revision in AS level biology study leave. Also to assess the impact of these materials on students' perceptions of study leave and on their exam performance.

Improving learning in practical sessions through the integration of information technology

This action research report from Henley College, was published by LSIS in 2009. The project looked at incorporating data logging equipment into practical sessions. Fully integrated, it provides learners with autonomy to complete their own scientific investigations. Students were required to make good use of...

Implementing ‘How Science Works’ into psychology

Published in 2009 by LSIS , this report describes an action research project performed at Longley Park College. Psychology is now officially recognised as a Science GCE subject with the QCA, this has meant that according to the 2008 specifications psychology will incorporate ‘How Science Works’ principles.

