Simple stargazing: a friendly handbook for viewing the Universe

A first-time skywatcher's guide from bright new talent, BBC Blue Peter astronomer, Anton Vamplew Most books on stargazing claim to be for beginners, but by page 12 are talking about celestial equators and sidereal months. No wonder so many people have planispheres but no idea how to use them. Working at the planetarium in Greenwich, Anton has met hundreds of enthusiastic but utterly bemused beginners of all ages, and has made sense of the night sky for them.

In this book he introduces the night sky just as if he were by your side, pointing everything out. And contrary to popular belief, you don't need any expensive equipment to start skygazing. Anton takes you through all the things you can discover with just the naked eye. The book is suitable for use in the northern and southern hemispheres - two sections give equal coverage to where to start and what you can see wherever you are in the world, whenever.

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Author(s)Anton Vamplew
Age7-11, 11-14
Published by

Shelf referenceA 523.8 VAM
Direct URL

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