Registrations for Mission X 2021 are now open!

Mission X mascots animation


Mission X Train like an Astronaut is a free educational programme developed by space scientists and fitness professionals working with astronauts and space agencies across the world.


COVID-19 has created new challenges for everyone wanting to support young people, teachers and schools. The European Space Agency (ESA) has been working hard to develop and roll out a range of activities for everyone to do in a range of settings. 

If you are looking for fun, easy, space-themed activities to complete, you have come to the right place! Mission X: train like an astronaut is open for families, individual students and school groups. You can join the ongoing Walk to the Moon Challenge and complete Mission X activities to earn points and help Luna and Leo walk to the Moon.


Sign-up here

Mission X uses the excitement of space exploration to inspire young people to learn about science, nutrition, exercise and space. It is aimed at students aged 8 to 12 but the activities can be adapted to suit other ages. The programme can be delivered either through the curriculum, through collapsed timetable days, through homework challenges or clubs … or a mixture!

The international challenge for Mission X runs each year from January to May. During the challenge, countries from across the world encourage their students to complete the mission challenges. Each country is made up of teams or individuals who complete activities and track their points. For each mission you will need to submit points on the website and all of the submitted points help the Mission X mascots walk to the Moon!

We provide a wealth of free resources to help educators teach the principles of health and exercise, using a space context. Many of the lessons and activities are linked to the science curriculum and have a clear focus on health and nutrition. On this worldwide challenge, students practice scientific reasoning and teamwork whilst participating in hands-on STEM education and physical education activities targeting strength, endurance, coordination, balance and spatial awareness.

Further information will be released before the launch of the challenge in January.


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Contacting us

If you have any ideas for stories and features on the site please email