STEM Directory
The STEM Directory is a database of providers offering STEM enhancement and enrichment to schools and colleges locally and nationally. Teachers can easily search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.
Find exciting opportunities for in-class support, memorable days out, and engaging projects to motivate your students.
Listing all results (329)
ZooLab UK
We're the UK’s #1 for ethical animal encounters! We amaze, educate and inspire through our ethical and engaging animal encounters. Our ZooLab presenters and animal teams work closely with early years, schools, businesses and in the care sector to achieve learning and wellbeing outcomes to engage with people...The Royal Veterinary College Animal Academy
RVC’s Animal Academy supports young people from under-represented backgrounds to reach their goals of studying and working in animal science. By signing up to be a member, you’ll have access to exclusive help, advice and monthly events about animal careers, going to university, and of course learning...Your ultimate guide to time travel
Few people know that time travel isn’t just possible – it has already been done.In this mind-expanding talk, students will hear the stories of people who have travelled into their own futures and lived to tell the tale. And how you rely on the same physics whenever you use the map on your smartphone.This...Bits and Pieces: Secrets of a Digital World
DescriptionThe presentation is a look at the maths behind how we send messages on the internet.We will look at how photos, videos and messages are turned into 1s and 0s, using binary numbers, and then transmitted.We will introduce Hedy Lemarr, the woman who invented frequency hopping, an idea we still...Rocket Kids - a real rocket launch in your school
'Rocket Kids' : a half or full day session of aspiration, invention and collaboration to give primary and secondary schools a taste of STEAM Co. in their school.Bringing together literacy, creativity and community engagement, it is perfect for KS1,2 and 3, year 7 transition and staff CPD as well as schools who...Illusions Activity Pack
This activity pack includes worksheets to help your students make two different illusions:a thaumotrope and a floating present. your results and send us any questions with #CuriosityCorner - we will do our best to answer them and the best may be made...Learning and memory lesson plan
Why do we all remember things slightly differently and how accurate are our memories, really? Through a series of small group activities we explore these topics and more, finishing with 10 top tips to improve revision skills. At Braintastic! Science we inspire, engage and educate young people to help...Fun Science Medway
At Fun Science Medway we offer assemblies, workshops, and after-school clubs. Our dynamic and interactive demonstrations will involve a mix of specialist, high-tech. scientific equipment, and everyday household chemicals and items. Our hands-on activities encourage children to see themselves as scientistsAll our...VEX Robotics Competition
The VEX Robotics Competition allows students to design and build a robot from scratch to compete in regional, national and international events using the VEX V5 robotic platform. The actual challenge changes every year, but the same concepts remain so students and teams knowledge can grow with the programme.The...GeoBus: Free Earth science themed workshops for schools
GeoBus is a free outreach programme run out of the Earth Sciences department of UCL. We aim to bring engaging, hands-on sessions to school students. Our range of workshops cover Year 1 to Year 12 and complement the curriculum, whilst giving a great insight into the breadth of Earth science as a subject.We...Pages
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Grants for school
The Royal Institution runs two enrichment and enhancement grant schemes. Grants of up to £500 are available to UK-registered state schools to host a STEM activity selected from the STEM Directories.
There are a number of other organisations that offer grants to schools.
About STEM Directory
The STEM Directory contains searchable activities that enhance STEM teaching in schools and colleges. Teachers can search for shows, workshops, debates, challenges, visiting speakers and more.
Please let us know if you have any comments on this facility.
Providers: add an activity
If you provide shows, talks, workshops, challenges, museum visits, teacher CPD or other enrichment and enhancement activities that help promote STEM to schools and colleges, then you may be eligible to feature in the STEM Directory.
Please use the link below to register and submit an activity.