Code for Life Rapid Router with Python (primary and secondary)

Following on from the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Blockly activities using Rapid Router, this teacher guide introduces Python textual programming. The difficulty of the algorithm challenges and the coding required is raised to new levels, but adequate support is provided in the guides. This resource makes use of the freely accessible programming game Rapid Router.



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Session Five: Writing Basic Code Directly in Python

This activity makes the leap from Blockly to Python programming. The 'grocery van driving challenge' is reduced from previous lessons to allow students to concentrate on syntax and correct coding using a limited set of instructions. Matching of Blockly and Python code is encouraged to assist the transition.


Session Six: Flying Solo with Python

This lesson activity further develops Python programming ability by introducing additional commands such as WHILE, IF, ELSE and ELIF. Debugging of programs is featured, and extension activities lead to the writing of functions that use COUNT IN RANGE() to control repetition. Students are also encouraged to mark-up...

Session Seven: Increase the Challenge - Creating New Python Variables, Incrementing Variables.

This activity goes further into Python programming by expanding the range of repetition and selection commands used. Students also practice debugging of code.

Variables are explained before making use of incremented variables to solve challenges in Python.

Other programming practices, including...

Session Eight: Assessment Session – Applying your Coding

In this, the final activity of a sequence of eight, children are asked to use their knowledge to create a challenge using Rapid Router, solvable using Python. It will ask their partner to use procedures, increment variables and apply different methods of control flow.

The resource includes an overview of...
