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Census at School
The CensusAtSchool UK project began in 2000 in conjunction with the National Statistics Office. The project, originally a one-off, was linked to the UK population census of 2001. It has now developed into a dynamic, ongoing and exciting initiative running in a number of countries.
It aims to:
• Involve students in collecting data about themselves and improve understanding of a data gathering process, its purpose and benefits to society
• Foster a positive attitude to statistics through using real data that is of interest to students
• Enhance the process of statistical enquiry across the curriculum
• Encourage effective Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teaching and learning, including the use of the Internet
• Provide access to large and meaningful data sets
• Make comparisons between the student responses in different countries.
This collection of resources from the project covers the whole primary and secondary age range. They have been written to help teachers use CensusAtSchool data in their classrooms, most are in worksheet format but many include data sets that run in Excel. A few solutions are also included.
These resources are made available under an open government licence v3.0.
Cars at Home
In this resource from CensusAtSchool, students are asked to collect data about the number of cars owned by the households of class members, and present it as a bar or frequency graph.
Cars Galore
Comparing National Statistic data to CensusAtSchool data on car ownership and traffic is the task in this resource. Students are required to use their skills of reasoning to compare car ownership in different regions and interpretation of line graphs. In the extension task, students are required to read two-way...
Cleaning the Data
When you have a set of data the first thing you need to do is to check it out and eliminate any obviously wrong or false data. This is called “Cleaning the Data”.
This resource from CensusAtSchool provides a...
Data With No Name
In this resource from CensusAtSchool, a set of data is presented with little background information. Students are invited, via a series of questions, to turn the data into usable, useful information applying both mathematical reasoning and use of statistical methods.
It encourages the use of spreadsheets as...