Astronomy and Cosmology

Since ancient times, humans have gazed at the stars and tried to understand the night sky. This process continues today with observations still made by the naked eye but also with sophisticated telescopes and instruments that look at infra-red, ultraviolet, microwave and other wavelengths. This collection contains images and classroom activities that help to bring astronomy and cosmology to life.



Showing 16 result(s)


This resource has been...

Galaxies *suitable for home teaching*

This resource has been devised by The Royal Observatory Edinburgh with the Institute of Physics Scotland, to inspire secondary science classes. They are mainly used by students aged 11-14 years but can be used from upper primary to upper secondary.

Students investigate galaxies. They use data from real...

The Little Books of Gaia

Gaia is an ambitious mission to chart a three-dimensional map of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. The spacecraft will provide the positions and velocity measurements of around 1 billion stars – which is about one percent of the stars in our galaxy.


Stars and Forces

This Nature of Science book looks at the history of astronomy and how scientists understanding of the solar system, forces and gravity has developed. The story includes the revolutionary ideas of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton and the theory of magnetism.

The chapters are:

1. Stars and gods

