Reaching for grade 9 in science SL270
Support your students to reach grade 9 in GCSE science by exploring strategies and activities
This course focuses on strategies to enable students with high prior attainment to aim for grade 9 by allowing them to develop a much deeper understanding of the science content and context.
You'll learn how you can help students create complex schema, provide high quality practical work and structure lessons so they can tackle terminal examinations with confidence. You'll also explore effective study and revision techniques that support attainment throughout secondary school study.
This course may support you with Science Benchmark 5 - Addressing the needs of each pupil
You may also be interested in: Maximizing progress for learners with lower prior attainment in science
Who is it for?
ECTs, experienced teachers or heads of subject
What topics are covered?
- building on required practical work across all three sciences
- developing extended answers
- storyboarding of ideas
- graphic organisers
- planning progression and making it easier for future year groups
How will you learn?
High impact, high quality residential CPD at our National STEM Learning Centre in York - delivered by experts - which will transform your teaching practice, and also give you the chance to meet colleagues from across the UK in person.
Fantastic on site accommodation and delicious food is included too.
How long is this course?
3 days
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- use techniques to support learners in their scientific understanding required for GCSE science
- develop strategies to embed in schemes of learning to support the progress of students in substantive and disciplinary knowledge