Mathematics for teachers of GCSE science: Train the trainer FD012f

Train to deliver maths in science professional development


This course is for teachers and other educational consultants who have been accredited with CPD Quality Mark and who want to offer maths in science sessions on behalf of their Science Learning Partnership.

Develop subject knowledge and teaching strategies to confidently deliver mathematics elements of the GCSE science specifications. You will apply these skills, using appropriate resources, in biology, physics and chemistry contexts.

You will be equipped with know-how and resources to deliver three Maths in Science courses on behalf of your SLP:

  • Maths in science: Graphs
  • Maths in science: Number
  • Maths in science: Algebra

What topics are covered?

This three day course covers:


  • Sketching graphs
  • Interpreting graphs
  • Drawing graphs


  • Using a calculator, significant figures and standard form
  • Dealing with units
  • Proportional reasoning


  • Algebra  basics
  • Solving equations
  • Rearranging equations


By the end of this course you will have:

  • Experienced a variety of mathematical teaching techniques applicable to GCSE science
  • Developed detailed knowledge of three maths in science network courses to be delivered through local science learning partnerships
  • Established links with other maths in science Professional Development Leaders in the network

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