Language and literacy demands of secondary science - theory and practical strategies NWX222
Theory and practical strategies to enhance the teaching of language and literacy skills in science.
A virtual course communicating thoughts and ideas in scientific writing requires a subject specific vocabulary and a detailed understanding of how to express those ideas. Many students, including those with an excellent grasp of the knowledge of a particular area of science often struggle to;
a) read and understand what a question is asking of them or
b) be able to write articulately about a particular topic.
The course will be made up of 5 x 1 hour sessions (1 session per day over 5 days):
- The importance of language in science
- The importance of reading in science
- The importance of writing in science
- The importance of oracy in science
- Embedding language and literacy into the science curriculum
Any enquiries, please email Wales Administrator:
Who is it for?
Teachers in Wales
What topics are covered?
Language & literacy
How will you learn?
Remote delivery
How long is this course?
5 x 1 hr sessions over 5 days
Course Leaders
Andrea Meyrick
You will be able to:
- describe the importance of teaching language and literacy skills in science and identify strategies to support students.
- use morphology and etymology to enhance the understanding of scientific terminology.
- describe the importance of teaching reading skills in science and identify strategies to support students.
- describe the importance of teaching writing skills in science and identify strategies to support students.