Teaching primary science: human spaceflight NE002
Identify opportunities across the curriculum to use space as a context for learning and engage children in practical activities using the context of human spaceflight.
The context of human spaceflight provides an engaging way for learning STEM subjects. There are many topics in the primary science curriculum where you can use the theme of space to engage pupils. For example, designing an astronaut’s space suit can bring in aspects of the science curriculum to do with properties and the uses of materials. Exercise, keeping healthy and having a balanced diet can be applied to an astronaut’s training regime and their time in space. You will also consider cross curricular links, for example, to numeracy and literacy. Through this course you will access classroom resources and activities that develop practical skills and support working scientifically.
Taking part in this CPD will provide evidence for the Space Education Quality Mark (SEQM). It will also give you resources and subject knowledge that will enable you to plan lessons and enrichment activities to provide further evidence towards the quality mark. At the start of the course you will be presented with an activity grid to help you to identify areas which support the curriculum and give opportunities for working scientifically. This grid can also be used as part of the evidence for your submission.
Who is it for?
What topics are covered?
- human spaceflight as a context for teaching: exercise and healthy eating; properties and uses of materials; light
- cross curricular opportunities, including geography, literacy, maths
- careers in STEM and in particular the space industry
How will you learn?
How long is this course?
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- identify opportunities across the curriculum to use space as a context for learning
- engage children in practical activities using the context of human spaceflight
- design lessons that show science in an applied context
- identify careers that link in to the space industry