Closing the gap - Developing students learning skills - Data Representation RJ298 / C33
‘Closing the gap’Developing students learning skills Findings in the recently published report ‘Schools’ responses to Covid-19. The challenges facing schools and pupils in September 2020 conclude that as a result of school closures: • The curriculum learning gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers within schools has widened by 46 %• Many students are 3 months behind in their learning;• Only 66% of the expected curriculum was covered in that time period• For students to progress either by remote learning, in school or taking a blended approach:• Learning needs to be Interactive learning• Pupils need regular feedback on their progress• Learning needs to be consolidated• Schools need to support pupils to self-regulate• Teachers need to use strategies that focus on independent learning In response to this, the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear Science Learning Partnership is running a series of 1 hour interactive live sessions. **Each session must be booked separately** The learning outcomes for each of the seven sessions are as follows: Knowledge retention & retrieval - Course Code RJ298 C29• Understand how memory works• Apply cognitive load theory to your lessons• Use a range of strategies to support students retain and retrieve knowledgeSelf-regulation - Course Code RJ298 C30• Understand what is meant by self-regulation• Use a range of strategies to help your students to self regulateObservation skills - Course Code RJ298 C31• Distinguish between observation and inference• Develop students observational skills in practical science• Use Johnstone’s triangle to link observations with concepts• Develop student skills for active observation and listening during a presentation Literacy - developing writing - Course Code RJ298 C32• describe what constitutes effective teaching and learning with respect to literacy• use an increased repertoire of teaching and learning strategies to enhance students’ writing skillsData representation - Course Code RJ298 C33• understand the significance of signs, symbols and keys to communicate scientific information’s• develop skills to organise data in tables and graphs• develop skills to interpret data from tables and graphsScientific calculations - Course Code RJ298 C34• understand some of the difficulties students have in accessing maths skills used in science teaching• explore different ways of working with your maths department• develop strategies for teaching multistep calculationsThinking skills - Course Code RJ298 C35• explain what is meant by higher order thinking skills• Use a range of activities to access higher order thinking skills• Identify areas of the curriculum that will help to develop your students thinking skills You can attend all sessions, a few sessions or just 1 session.£20* per session for upto 3 people from your school.Every 3rd session free - £100 for all 7 sessions.(*maintained schools)
Date | Time | Location | |
Data Representation | 09 February 2021 | 15:45-16:45 | Virtual |
State-funded school or college | Activity fee£20.00 +VAT |
Fee-paying school or college (independent) | Activity fee£40.00 +VAT |
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