Teaching the new mathematics GCSE content with understanding MY207 / A15

Start date
4 Jul 16
4 Days
National STEM Learning Centre, University of York, York YO10 5DD How to find us


Participants will explore the content of the new mathematics GCSE and gain an understanding of the importance of mathematical reasoning and problem solving in key stages three and four. Sessions include how to develop problem solving skills and develop resilience in the context of hard to teach topics such as trigonometry, linear graphs and proportional reasoning at foundation level and equations of circles, turning points, vectors and proof at higher level.

This is a residential course, fees include meals and accommodation for the duration of the course. Course fees vary for participants outside the UK. Please contact enquiries@stem.org.uk for more information.


Participants will:

  • develop a deeper understanding of the requirements of the new mathematics GCSE
  • consider approaches to teaching some of the 'hard to teach' topics at foundation level
  • consider approaches to teaching some of the 'hard to teach' topics at higher level
  • complete a gap task giving the opportunity to put theory into practice


Teaching the new mathematics GCSE content with understanding - Day 104 July 201610:30-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Teaching the new mathematics GCSE content with understanding - Day 205 July 201609:00-15:30National STEM Learning Centre
Teaching the new mathematics GCSE content with understanding - Day 303 October 201610:30-19:00National STEM Learning Centre
Teaching the new mathematics GCSE content with understanding - Day 404 October 201609:00-16:00National STEM Learning Centre

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