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Welcome to NZ001T03 Facilitator Training - Session 1

Hello participants and welcome to this course.

I'm Matt Cornock, Online CPD Coordinator at STEM Learning and I will be your facilitator for this course.  If you have not already, I recommend updating your preferences in the Course Group to receive email notifications immediately.

Our first and only session for this course will be a facilitator-led session using Adobe Connect. Please ensure you have downloaded the Adobe Connect application (Windows/Mac or mobile app) well in advance of the session. Please do refer to the Participant Guide for Adobe Connect which is posted in the Course Group, as this has the recommended way of using Adobe Connect.

The link to Adobe Connect for this course is in your joining instructions email and on the Course Group page.

The session starts promptly at 11am on Tuesday (21 April), but you can access Adobe Connect ten minutes beforehand to make sure you're all set up and ready to go.

By the end of this session you will be able to:

Key supporting materials (for facilitating your own CPD):

You will only need to refer to the part of the full guidance and videos for the types of activity in the PDE you will be delivering.

Slides from the session and the link for signing up to further drop-in support will be posted to the Course Group after the session.

I look forward to seeing you online.





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Adam Little

Looking forward to this Matt.

Stephen Burrowes

'See' you all later


Hello everyone - I hope that I will manage to keep up with this; I am feeling a little bit apprehensive about it! It's nice to see some familiar faces/names.


Welcome Jane - Matt has provided some excellent guidance notes and some short video links as well. Once you start using it, its like riding a bike :) 


Thank you Vash

Apart from the technical glitch at the end I thought that the session was excellent.  It won't be until we can try it out for ourselves that we will really learn how to do it though!

Best wishe



Look fwd to "meeting" with you all in a while!


You too :) 

Jen Sharp

Good to be training together. Just hope the PGCE students who receive the courses are a step behind me in their knowledge... 


As a course host, you could always kick them out and blame connection issues! 


For the record, just in case STEM Learning are moderating my comments, this is a joke. 

If you are going to kick someone out, be honest and tell the truth! 


It's a good joke too; made me smile this morning!


Glad to see your name there Jane. I'm a liitle apprehensive of this new platform too. Good that we're all in the same boat. See you later.


Its a big boat - don't worry! 

Stephen Burrowes

So was the Titanic


Hi Allie

I think that it will be OK when we actually get to try it out - I am sure that there will be some mistakes along the way though!

I hope that you are keeping well.


Stephen Burrowes

In addition to getting to grips with Adobe Connect for the facilitator led sessions, I'm wondering what's expected from the facilitator for the gap tasks. 

M Cornock (not verified)

Good morning everyone. Just to reassure that you if you're struggling to get Adobe Connect to connect today, don't panic. Give it a minute to connect, if it still doesn't do the job, simply close it and try again. They did some maintenance on their servers last night, and it looks like a late night meant a rough morning, but should be alright soon.

We will start letting you into the room 10 mins before. You will see a message that says the Host needs to accept your access - when you get to that point, you're all ok.

Best wishes,


Jen Sharp

Thanks Matt. Just waiting to be accepted now!


It's like super market shopping - we're just waiting for someone to leave before letting you in Jen 


I don't have a link to join this and my school computer doesn't allow downloading of anything so I won't be able to actually use Adobe Connect.  Is it still worth me joining via my phone?


Keir Jones

Hi, I was in the chat through connect but got disconnected and now it's not allowing me to reconnect... Any advice?


It has just kicked me out and wont let me back in. Tried the app and browser (on a Mac.).

Jen Sharp

I just got kicked out as well. Really sudden.


Cleared my history and it is now asking to let me back in.

Jen Sharp

Has the whole meeting crashed now? It's saying the meeting has not yet started!


No, it is still going on. I got that, cleared my history and then it let me back in.

Jen Sharp

I'm running through the app and on my phone and it says the same both ways. No entry as it says the meeting isn't happening. How do you clear history using the app?


Sorry, not sure about the phone app. Did you click the link from the email and then asks to open the app? If this is how it works I would clear your web broweser history and try it. This is how it works on the Mac.


me too

Adam Little

I got kicked out a couple of times.  Waiting for Matt to authorise me again!

Jen Sharp

It's just telling me the meeting hasn't started!


Hello, I'm afraid I've had to give up as it all crashed on me and won't let me back in. I get 'connection error' (using the app on a Chromebook.) Doesn't fill me with confidence!

Sadly I cannot attend on Thursday because I am running my own webinars.



I've been kicked out of the group and it won't let me back in. It says it hasnt started. Missed the last 20mins or so. I can't attend the Thursday session as I am in work. Will it be at any other time?

Jen Sharp

I've missed since 11.30am as well. I'll have to try again on Thursday although this doesn't bode well. My husband is working on his work meeting in a very similar way and hasn't had any problems today at all. He does it through teams I believe.


I've just been logged off - how do I get back on


Makes me somewhat concerned about this happening on a 'live' session


Not filling me with confidence for live courses as so many of us have been 'kicked out'. WIll the session be rescheduled?


Jen Sharp

Thursday at 3pm is the only one I know. I had it as a choice when I registered for this one.