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NZ001T05 Course Summary

Dear participants,

Thank you for joining me today. Usually this post would be a 'comment' attached to the post for the session in the Course Group, but as this course only has one session, this post also acts as the 'round up' summary.​

For your information, I have attached the Remote PDE Facilitator Guidance (which is NOT usually shared with participants). It is much lighter than a usual PDE, but may help you relate what you see in the Course Group and Adobe Connect session. 

Further support:

As mentioned, you are all great facilitators. Don't let the bells and whistles of technology get in the way of the participant experience. At the end of the day, you have slides for live session, your subject knowledge and teaching expertise, and a text chat box to communicate with participants. Use that 'live' time together well to prompt participants to think, contribute and learn from each other. Use the Course Group to sustain engaement, create participant tasks and use that space for sharing ideas and learning from each other too.

Good luck and enjoy the experience!

Best wishes,





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Vanessa Johnstone

There was mention of a drop in session yesterday on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, to have a familiarisation session using Adobe Connect. How do I go about getting on to one of these sessions? Vanessa 


I registered for a drop in today between 1 and 3. I completed the Google form after registering my interest but I have not received a link. IS it still happening?
If so - hopefully I will receive one. IS it 2 hours or does the session repeat during this time to give people chance to come in and out?

M Cornock (not verified)


Links to the rooms are on the forms - drop in rather than booked session, so you can visit the room any time during that slot.

Best wishes,




I did fill out the form yesterday. It is a registration form only. There is no link to drop into teh session that I can see. Very happy to be wrong on this!